Wednesday, November 23, 2011

There's A New Poll in Town: Name Your Favourite Lars von Trier

It has been a few months since The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World has done a poll.  Well the dry spell is over.  In light of the recent release of Lars von Trier's eleventh feature film, Melancholia, you are asked to name your favourite film by the audacious Danish director.  Be it Breaking the Waves or Dogville, Dancer in the Dark or Antichrist, The Idiots or Europa, The Element of Crime or Epidemic, Manderlay or The Boss of It All, or his latest, the aforementioned Melancholia, go on over to the sidebar of this very site (relatively near the top of said sidebar) and click in your vote.  And remember, you must vote in the poll on the sidebar - votes left in the comments section will not be counted (though feel free to comment away).  And for all you von Trier haters out there (and I know there are a lot of you), there is no choice for "none of the above" so take your hatred elsewhere (though I do encourage even the haters to make comments below).  The poll will go on until shortly after the New Year, where upon the results will be announced.

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